1.4 – 14.5.2023

Luca Forcucci



Luca Forcucci (CH/IT) is a distinguished artist and scholar. The research observes the perceptive properties and the field of possibilities of the first-person experience, which is explored as an artwork. He is interested in perception, subjectivity and consciousness, which he explores through installations, performances, electroacoustic compositions, photography and texts.

The Room Above is an electroacoustic piece developed during an art residency in Genoa in the second pandemic lockdown. The central element of the composition is an organ situated in the church above the residence. The recordings of the organ and its reverberations in the architectural space were then sampled and reworked. The addition of the sonic spaces, those initially recorded, those of the future concert venues, and those present in the mental imagery of the listener during the concert, shall lead to a sonic moiré, a polyphony of spaces. The conceptual idea of the sonic moiré is an auditory perception of several layers of space and comparable to that which emerges visually from Marcel Duchamp’s rotoreliefs. Such perception exists between the work and the spectator, and here between the work and the listener.


Foto: Luca Forcucci